Seattle Small Book Company

Seattle Small Books Company

Book Stores
You can purchase books at these bookstores.

Ravenna Third Place Books

Third Place Books

Open Books
A Poem Emporium

Auntie's Bookstore

Vashon Bookstore

The Elliot Bay Book Company

City Lights Booksellers & Publishers

Click here for additional contact information for these book stores.

Seattle Small Books Company

About Seattle Small Books Company

Seattle Small Books Company began life after hearing a comment from the founder and editor of Copper Canyon Books, Sam Hamill. After reading the collection of short stories, Ritter's Crime, Sam said, "You'll never get 'em published in Amurka"—or some similar Poundish/Hamillian comment. I thought that there must be a way, so I started SSBC to publish a few books. The results are: On Ancient Paths, Ritter's Crime, and The Winnowing Fan. Others may follow, both from my own material and possibly others, as time goes on.